A running list of classic Facebook posts from 2012. The italicized ones belong to Tyler and the others are mine (for the most part.)
Dec. 6th--Zander was screaming, "Help! I can't get out!"
from his bedroom tonight. This is a somewhat typical thing, as he
usually is kidding to get some attention. Tonight, I found him under the
fitted mattress sheet, actually stuck because the the sheet was staying
put. So that happened.
Nov. 29th--Just passed the exit interview. Admin license = check.
Nov. 26th--Before our project laundry room commenced. Chaos!

Nov. 10th
Zoey: I'm going to armpit fart!
Daddy: You know, Zoey, some kids don't talk like that in front of their parents.
Zoey: I'm not one of them!
Daddy: You know, Zoey, some kids don't talk like that in front of their parents.
Zoey: I'm not one of them!
Oct. 29th--So having a daughter at my school poses some
interesting situations at times. Sharing with the class is always risky
business. Today Zoey shared with her class the "craft" that she did over
the weekend. She told her class (and her teacher-my colleague and
friend) that she made "beer bottle dolls". Oh yes. . .Tyler Livingston--you're
reading this right. YOUR daughter told the class that she found your
empty beer bottles and made them into dolls. She paints a pretty
picture of our family at school--that's for sure.
Oct. 3rd--Zander used every blanket in the world to build a fort. He slept on the hard floor with a pillow. He says the fort will stand for 100 years. The pains he suffers for his craft...
Sept. 29th--Zander is coloring at the kitchen table singing, "He's got the whole world in his pants. He's got the whole..."
Sept 26th--Zander is working hard on his poster for star of the week. I've never seen him so excited.
Sept 18th--Perfect ending to my day. Just about sums it up.
Sept. 16th-Someone is in pirate mode after going to Buccaneers at the children's theatre today with Nana.
Aug. 15th--Zoey fell in love with horses today. Zander didn't want much to do with Markie the horse. Thanks to Betsy Sommer for bringing us on this adventure!
Aug. 11th--Happy 39th anniversary, mom and dad!
Aug. 5th--Took the kids to see Hairspray at our church
tonight. I love watching Zoey watch the acting, singing, and dancing
that goes on up on stage. She has the bug and just wants to act. . .and
she'll be pretty darn good at it, in my humble opinion.
Aug. 3rd--Coolest couch cover ever! All my brother's and my old sweatshirts from school, SPA, YBL, church, theatre productions, sports, etc. lots of memories on this thing! Thanks, mom!
July 29th--Semi annual trip to the park.
July 21st--Got my kindle, on the pontoon, perfect water,
perfect sun. Now if only these two kids that keep calling me mom would
let me relax! Lol!
July 18th--We have NO idea where his tooth ended up, but he lost his first tooth today!!! Big day!
July 18th--Fun afternoon with one of Zander's best friends!
July 12th--It's VBS this week. The kids are all about telling me about God (which is great, but. . .) Me: Zander, get out of the bath.
(Zander keeps playing.)
Me: ZANDER, get out of the bath.
(Zander keeps playing.)
Me: ONE, TWO. . .
Zander: Oh yeah, at first I wasn't going to, but then I remembered to trust in God. So I got out of the bath.
Me: (Huh?)
(Zander keeps playing.)
Me: ZANDER, get out of the bath.
(Zander keeps playing.)
Me: ONE, TWO. . .
Zander: Oh yeah, at first I wasn't going to, but then I remembered to trust in God. So I got out of the bath.
Me: (Huh?)
July 11th: I have accepted a new job working for the
Minnesota Department of Education on the Principal and Teacher
Effectiveness plans. I am excited for and humbled by this new
professional adventure. The last day of school will be tremendously
difficult for me, as I say goodbye to another great group of kids and to
a thirteen year teaching career.
July 9th--Got to hang out with this cute baby (Adelyn) for most the day...oh and her mom and dad too! Thanks for a great day!
July 6th--Zander is letting Zoey dress him up like a
"geerl" all day today. He is going to regret this in a few years when
the pictures she keeps taking of him in a dress still exist.
July 5th--
Zander: I love you Zoey.
Zoey: I love you too.
Zander: How much do you love me?
Zoey: As much as you love me.
Zander: I love you 600 500 one two three 1 million eze. Is that even a number?
Zoey: I love you too.
Zander: How much do you love me?
Zoey: As much as you love me.
Zander: I love you 600 500 one two three 1 million eze. Is that even a number?
July 1st--
Zander: What if after heaven, we were in TV on every show?
June 30th--So happy!!!
June 30th--Zoey, Miss. Personality
June 26th--I will never forget the smile on Zander's face as he ran the bases in his first T-ball season. We are blessed!
June 25th--"naughty night" is when we get to eat in front of the TV. Olympics, BBQ Chick pizza, beer, and family. Love it!
June 17th--Tyler tried for Father of the Year today by giving the kids a Whoopi cushion. Kids love it, doesn't earn any bonus points with me.
June 16th-- First time tubing for a couple of grandchildren. In Zoey's words, "That was Awesome!"
--Grandma Nyhlen
May 17th--My wife gave me two acceptable choices today. Dishes or vacuum. I experienced the illusion of power when I choose dishes. My behavior = redirected.
May 13th--Thanks to all of you who supported my need for a good mixer, this was my mother's day. The family enjoyed the cake I made! It was a great day! Happy Mother's day to everyone!
May 7th--Zoey loves listening to chapter books at night. She is completely wrapped up in the Harry Potter and Chronicles of Narnia series. She also enjoys Kate DiCamillo. She has probably read more books by age (almost) 7 than I completed by 17.
May 5th--Got a little carried away at Men's Warehouse today.
May 3rd--Zoey before she went to Pippi Longstocking at the Children's Theatre with Nana and Zander.
The daycare crew--these guys have been together for 5years! They are thick as thieves.
April 29th--In Sunday School, the kids made these hearts that had little reasons to pray (or people to pray for). The kids grabbed one that said, "Pray for someone who is hungry..." and Zander raised his hand and said, "I am!"
April 22nd--Last show for Zoey was today. Very proud of our little musical theater performer.
April 17th--
Zander's answer to everything these days is: Of course it is.
Zander: Boys are better than than girls.
Me: That's not true.
Zander: Of course it is.
April 16th--Best moment in Harry Potter #1: Dumbledore gives 10 pts to Nevile for being brave enough to stand up to his friends. I get teary-eyed every time.
April 6th--COOL: My kids like to listen to the Beatles. UNCOOL: They have Yellow Submarine on repeat.
April 2nd--My latest project. New window art for the porch. Just need to get it hanging. Pretty proud of myself.
March 30th--You'd think I would have learned my lesson about playing with silly putty near my phone...but alas...
March 30th--Amy Behm posted: I came back home after a couple quick errands to find Luke and his Daddy watching Star Wars. Luke said to me, "Sit down and watch me on this movie!" and each time Luke Skywalker appears, he says, "There's me again!" Judy Nyhlen Livingston & Melissa Hucal, we have another fan in the family...
March 9th--Made myself giggle tonight when I told Zoey, "I love my kids, I never should have sold you guys to the circus!" Zoey didn't find that as funny as I did.
March 1st--Watching American Idol tonight with Zoey, I made a comment about someone's weak start to their song. Zoey: Mom, you really need to listen to the whole song before you judge.
Feb. 29th--At the breakfast table this morning- Me: Yeah! A Snow Day! Zoey: I can't BELIEVE they cancelled my Many Colored Day!!! Zander: I want to go to Mary's! (daycare) Zoey: Daddy's so lucky--he gets to go to school today! Me: Yep! I am sure that's what daddy is thinking right now.--I am apparently the only one in my family that is happy today!
Feb. 17th--On our way home from dinner, an ambulance passes us. Zoey: "Wow! Someone must of broken an arm, or a leg, or died." Three beats later, "I should go bowling."
Feb. 5th--Zander decided to fall asleep differently tonight. He rigged a laundry basket with pillows. My boy...
Jan. 28th--Zoey: For my birthday, I want two Ethiopias about Star Wars. Me: Huh? Zoey: you know Ethiopias. Look like it says in the book. Me: Oh, you mean encyclopedias.
Jan. 24th--After reading part of "The Invention of Hugo Cabret," Zoey said, "I never want this book to end. I want it to be as long as life!" Yeah, I'd say that's a strong recommendation.
Jan. 22nd--Just overheard Zander declare that Llama Llama Red Pajama is a Jedi!
Jan. 20th--Just showed the kids the trailer for Stars Wars 1: The Phantom Menace 3D coming to theatres in 20 days. Might as well let them drink Mt. Dew right before bed. . .they are hyped!
Jan. 5th--Mad that the Silly Putty won't come off my iPhone cover. Even more mad that I was the one playing with the silly putty when it happened.
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