More to come. . .Merry Christmas Everyone!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas Eve 2007
It was a nice quiet day at the Livingston household. We spent some of the time cleaning and getting ready for hosting Christmas tomorrow with the Livingston family, but mostly we just hung out as a family. We had fun tracking Santa on the web and seeing where he was throughout the day. (Okay--so I thought it was cooler than the kids did.) We went to church and then came home and had a nice dinner with Nana and Poppa. Zander was full of smiles as usual.
This morning Mary dropped off the projects that the kids worked on at daycare. Aren't they adorable? Zoey told me that she used her hands and Zander used his toes to make the Christmas banners.

More to come. . .Merry Christmas Everyone!
More to come. . .Merry Christmas Everyone!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Christmas Cookie Party
It was our second annual attendance at Mary's Daycare Cookie Party this year. As always, it was a blast. The kids were all pumped for the special visitor and there was enough sugar to keep us all hyped for the rest of the night.

Zoey did the right thing and pottied all by herself before Santa arrived. Then she washed her hands. Yea, Zoey!

When Santa came, Zoey was so excited that she sat on his lap and froze. Zander however had to sit and think about what he was going to ask for.

Santa and Mary gave all the kids gifts. Zander got a book.
Zoey got a magnetic dress up doll-which she LOVES. She couldn't contain her happiness when she went to say thank you to Mary.
Here is Tyler and the kids waiting for Santa to arrive.
Zoey did the right thing and pottied all by herself before Santa arrived. Then she washed her hands. Yea, Zoey!
When Santa came, Zoey was so excited that she sat on his lap and froze. Zander however had to sit and think about what he was going to ask for.
Santa and Mary gave all the kids gifts. Zander got a book.
Zoey got a magnetic dress up doll-which she LOVES. She couldn't contain her happiness when she went to say thank you to Mary.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Playing Hookie
Zander did have time to pose for a few pictures though. As I was playing with him today, I discovered that he has two top teeth trying to break through. It could explain a lot of the fussiness.
Speaking of cute, Zoey loves to watch storybooks on the internet and I am fortunate enough to have a membership through my school that allows us to watch these stories online. So Zoey has gotten into the habit of watching two every night ("Because I'm 2!") She has her favorites, but she also likes to watch new stories. So tonight I told her she could watch the story called Joseph and the Little Overcoat. As I was getting it ready for her, she was playing around and then came up and impatiently said, "I want to watch Jesus and the Little Jacket peas."
So while she watched her story book, I was trying to watch my television show. Zoey gets off her chair and goes and turns off my TV. "I want to hear my storybook!"
Tyler took Zander upstairs to put him to bed and I was folding laundry. I folded up some of Zoey's socks and playfully threw them at her asking her to put them away. All of a sudden, she starts to go upstairs and I ask her where she is going. "I am going upstairs." Why, Zoey? "I going to tell Daddy you hit me!"
Monday, December 10, 2007
Happy Birthday Gia!
Friday, December 07, 2007
Happy Birthday Poppa!

Zoey: Grandpa
Mom: What is inside the circle?
Zoey: a baby suppi-o
Mom: Did you write your name?
Zoey: Yes--h, i, j, k, l, m, n. . . I found a Z!
Mom: What should we tell Poppa?
Zoey: Birthday cake! We having a birthday cake!
Happy birthday Grandpa Livingston! We love you and will get that birthday cake taken care of soon!
P.S. In honor of all of the grandparent's birthdays this year, a Christmas light was bought in your names. The money went to a food shelter in Mahtomedi.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Signs she is growing up
Zoey was downstairs playing quietly a couple of days ago and came running upstairs yelling, "Mommy! I wrote my name!" Then she handed me this post-it note. I must say, that being a reading specialist, I was quite excited to see her attempt. This morning, Tyler told me that Zoey looked at the jeans that Zander was wearing and they had the letter D at the bottom and the words dump truck. Zoey read the words, "Happy Birthday Halloween!" It is VERY fun for me to see the process of learning to read and write from the very beginning!
Here is Zoey's picture of herself. She told me as she was drawing what everything was. "Here is the head and here are some toes."
Zoey is carrying around her drumsticks, exploring what things sound like when she hits them. She also asked me to put her hair in a ponytail. This was the best I could do.
Then the kicker. . .Zoey is still plugging away on the potty training journey. She has had some set backs, but has been doing well overall. She doesn't like it much when Tyler or I go in to help her. She wants to do it all by herself. So today we let her go in and potty all by herself when she told us she had to go. After about 5 minutes, Tyler goes to check on her and says, "Get the camera!" So I went to see what was up--here is Zoey at the sink. Please notice that the pull-ups are put on over her pants and her hands are full of soap. She has the right idea, but. . . we may still have some work to do.
On the napping front, we have had 4 days in a row of good naps and overall good bedtimes, too. I hope I am not jinxing it. I am not ashamed to admit that it took a little bribing with some art supplies, but the deal has been that if she has a good nap (or at least a good quiet time) she and I get to watercolor together afterwards. So far, so good.
The Dance Line
Our goddaughter Hazel was elfed recently and it was so cute that I had to do it to our kids and neice also.
Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays
Saturday, December 01, 2007
4 month stats
Zander turned 4 months old last Saturday and had his appointment on Thursday.
He weighed in at a healthy 15 lbs. 12.5 oz. He is 25.5 inches long and his head is 17.5 inches in circumference. All of these land him in the 75th percentile range.
Other points of interest:
Zander is able to roll over from his back to his stomach in one direction.
He still only has the two bottom front teeth.
He isn't sleeping through the night yet--but I can tell he really wants to--oh wait--Tyler and I really want that.
He is holding and playing with toys now--although I don't think he always realizes it.
He loves to try to stand up by holding our hands and he has really good head control.
He weighed in at a healthy 15 lbs. 12.5 oz. He is 25.5 inches long and his head is 17.5 inches in circumference. All of these land him in the 75th percentile range.
Other points of interest:
Zander is able to roll over from his back to his stomach in one direction.
He still only has the two bottom front teeth.
He isn't sleeping through the night yet--but I can tell he really wants to--oh wait--Tyler and I really want that.
He is holding and playing with toys now--although I don't think he always realizes it.
He loves to try to stand up by holding our hands and he has really good head control.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Thanksgiving Weekend
As is tradition, we drove up to Brooten to celebrate Thanksgiving with my side of the family. It is always nice to see everyone and the food is fantastic! Here are some pictures from our weekend.
Here is triple trouble--Cousin Kylie, Zander and Zoey. Once they are all mobile--we will all need to take cover!

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy GivingGivings Day!
Another couple Zoeyisms:
Last night when it was time to clean up, I asked Zoey to put away the magic 8 ball. She picked it up and said, "Let's answer it first!"
(Tranlastion: Let's ask the 8 ball a question first.)
Every morning (and at lunch and dinner) we ask Zoey what she wants to eat and the answer is 95% of the time: "eat meal!"
(Translation: oatmeal)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Daycare
I was driving the kids to daycare today and hear Zoey in the backseat saying, "Don't hit me! Don't hit me!" Knowing full well that it can't be Zander she is talking to, I look back and see her hitting her hands saying, "Don't hit me!" Then she proceeded by taking both hands and hitting her face saying, "Oh, their working together!"
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Bright spots in an otherwise difficult day. . .
This picture was from last week. I just thought I would add it to the pictures that I need to look at when we have a tough day. They really are just so sweet!
Friday, November 02, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!
Zoey loved going up to the houses and trick-or-treating.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Halloween Part 1
About a month ago I asked Zoey what she wanted to be for Halloween. "A Ghost," she said. I asked her a few days later. "A ghost." I showed her costumes at Target--which she oohed and ahhed at. "Now what would you like to be for Halloween?" "A Ghost. A scary one. Boo!" So being the crafty mother that I am (ha ha!) I found an old crib sheet and cut a hole in it--tried to make it long enough to look like a ghost, but short enough so she wouldn't trip all the time, attempted to cut a circle for her face--all of which is not easy with a two year old that never quits moving!
So last Saturday, Zoey got to test out her new ghost costume downtown North St. Paul--the stores there were passing out candy to all the trick-or-treaters. Here is Zoey riding in the stroller. She was very tired and could barely find the energy to say, "More! More!"
Zoey was really getting the hang of saying Trick-or-Treat and then saying Thank You! and after a while wanted to do it by herself! This was the first one she did with out Tyler or I right with her. She was very proud of herself.
On Sunday we went over to our friends' house and joined in their Pumpkin Carving Party. There were a ton of other families there and we all sat in the back yard and carved our pumpkins. The picture below shows about the most help I got from Zoey in the process. She wasn't interested in carving a pumpkin. She wanted to pick candy off of the Gingerbread House that was there for DECORATION!! Argh!
She did stick with me long enough to say that she wanted her pumpkin to be sad. Then she posed with the pumpkin. She is becoming quite the empathetic little toddler. One of my favorite lines of her's lately is when we are reading and she says, "I want to go into book and help that little one." or "I want to go into book and give that baby kisses."
Zander was with us for all of our weekend activities--teeth and all! Here is our little penguin chillin' out at the pumpkin party on Sunday.

I have another Zoeyism to add to our ongoing list:
We were playing with her play dough and she made something and came to show me. "Mommy, these are my knockers." Hmmm. . ."Sure, Zoey. Those are nice knockers." I sometimes feel like I am playing Mad Gab when we talk. She says something and I keep repeating it to myself until I can turn it into something that I understand. Knockers. . .knockers. . .(Zoey puts it up to her eyes). . .AH--binoculars!
So last Saturday, Zoey got to test out her new ghost costume downtown North St. Paul--the stores there were passing out candy to all the trick-or-treaters. Here is Zoey riding in the stroller. She was very tired and could barely find the energy to say, "More! More!"
I have another Zoeyism to add to our ongoing list:
We were playing with her play dough and she made something and came to show me. "Mommy, these are my knockers." Hmmm. . ."Sure, Zoey. Those are nice knockers." I sometimes feel like I am playing Mad Gab when we talk. She says something and I keep repeating it to myself until I can turn it into something that I understand. Knockers. . .knockers. . .(Zoey puts it up to her eyes). . .AH--binoculars!
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