We hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday. We had a great time hanging out with family and seeing friends. It is fun to experience Christmas through Zoey and Zander, but it is also exhausting. Zander was much more able to do the gift opening this year, but was still pretty oblivious to all the commotion. Zoey on the other hand, couldn't contain her excitement. . .at all. She was very excited to get gifts, give gifts, and open gifts (even if they weren't hers). But through it all, she was very thankful to everyone for their thoughtful gifts. Here are some pictures documenting our holiday season:
Zoey and I worked on an Gingerbread house on Christmas Eve. It was a fun sugar-filled activity. I am surprised that any of the candy actually made it onto the house!

Zoey at Nana and Poppa's house not so patiently waiting to open presents.

Zander was Mr. Clean--every time he ripped paper off his gifts, he handed it to Uncle Eric.

Zander in his new sled.

Zoey is ready to cook for everyone!

Zander doesn't really understand this gift yet, but he will soon grow into it.
Until then, it is fun to stand on boxes!

This was Tyler's genius idea. A little "Risky Business" anyone?

Please notice that while Nana is reading Zander a book,
he seems to be texting on my cell phone.

Last Christmas Zoey received an UglyDoll Dog--
it has one eye and pointy teeth.
She has come up with her own impression of the dog and
a picture doesn't quite do it justice, but this is pretty close.

Santa brought Zander the chair that we all think he needed.

Although Santa didn't bring Zoey her dollhouse, he did contact Grandma and Grandpa and see if they could take care of that wish instead. This is the house that Grandma and Grandpa built.