In other news. . .our garage door broke! It was in poor shape to begin with, so I am actually surprised that it lasted as long as it did. The funny thing was that it broke in the middle of closing and so this was the way our house was for two days. . .

I have said this to many people already, but I need to put it in writing. If I could freeze time and have the kids stay at one age forever, it would be 15 months. Zander is so much fun lately. He is learning new words and baby signs every day. He has a new found LOVE of books, which of course I adore! He is on such a good schedule that the few times he is upset or cranky, we know why. Here is a video of him doing some of his animal impressions and saying hi to a few of his favorite people. (Bob is Mary's husband at daycare. . .apparently when ever Bob comes downstairs with the kids, Zander just walks around the room saying, "Hi Bob. Hi Bob. Hi Bob."
OMIGOSH, I have the cutest niece and nephew in the world!
We have to get some time on the calendar again soon so I don't miss the "hi bob" stage for Zander ;) And of course I love the pigtails in Zoey's hair. So cute!
They are such happy kids, I just love it! They make me happy to see them so happy.
Auntie Tam
It sure is a great age. Can't wait to see you at Thanksgiving or earlier and listen to some more Hi Nana stuff. Way to go Zander!
Love, Nana
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