Happy Thanksgiving! We had a nice dinner at Nana and Poppa's house. It wasn't quite the same without Tammy and Eric there. Tammy was sick with a nasty cough. We all hope that you are feeling better!

Today we did some decorating around the house for Christmas. Here is a picture of me realizing that all the ornaments are going to need to be placed at the top of the tree this year. We already had one ornament causality.

Here is the Countdown to Christmas extravaganza display! There are 24 gift bags sitting on top of the piano. Each one has some treats and activities in it to keep little kids occupied until Christmas is here. I had a lot of fun making the project, I hope that Zoey and Zander enjoy it.

And last but not least, a little "Tah-Dah" moment from the Zan Man!
Love the "ta da"! We have just started the tree process. Happy to hear you had a good Thanksgiving!
Very good!
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