We took the plunge today and bought Zander his brand new big boy bed. He was very excited about it and couldn't wait to try it out. Didn't even wait for the box to be opened! Tyler spent the good part of the evening working on it so that Zander could use it tonight.

All done! (The cool thing about this bed, is that when he is a little older and used to the bed, it flips over and bunks--so that he will have all that floor space underneath as a play fort.)

I got to put Zander to bed and he seemed pretty excited, but I think he felt the same bittersweetness that I did. He asked for more stories and songs than usual and was a little extra cuddly. But I told him that the rule was he had to stay in bed! He repeated the rule and within about 10 minutes of leaving his room, he was snoring away in his new bed. I am so proud of him!
We'll see if it is always this easy, but he did good tonight! That's what counts!
Way to go, Zander!
I love the fact that Zander was totally involved in the process of getting the bed together. Way to go, Mom and Dad!
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