Sunday, December 13, 2009

December Update

It has been a busy December! So before I begin with any updates and such, I would like to extend our loving birthday wishes to both Poppa Livingston and Grandma Nyhlen! We hope that you both enjoyed your birthday.

Most of our busy-ness has been just the usual stuff. I have recently started singing with the contemporary Christian band at church, so we rehearse once a week and sing every Sunday. It has been a blast! I am really enjoying it.

Tyler is doing a lot of reffing basketball, so the kids and I have had a lot of time to hang out. Yesterday we made it outside for a while to enjoy all the snow that we got this week. Both kids had a blast in the snow--especially being pulled around in the sleds. Zoey couldn't wait to get outside to make snow angels!

In other news, Zoey has ANOTHER loose tooth. It is the one right next to the tooth she just lost.

Just think this is a fun picture!

1 comment:

Grandma Nyhlen said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes. Zoey must have snowpants she likes--or she's grown to love snow, huh!? Gotta enjoy the outdoors if you live in the North Country!