Sunday, April 11, 2010

Another Perfect Sunday!

Our pastor at church always starts out the services on Sunday, "I promise you your week will go better because you started it in the house of the Lord." I have found that to be true quite often. Even the Sunday that Tyler fell off the ladder. . . at first I thought, yeah, my week is going horrible! But in hindsight, our week could have been a lot worse. But back to today.

It was just a great day all around. Sang at church this morning, went running with Tyler around Lake Phalen. The kids went and played at Nana's and Poppa's. Then we all came home for our quite time. Then, it was off to Casey Lake Park. Zoey rode her bike there for the first time. She was so proud of herself! Zander enjoyed a wagon ride. He is very ready for a bike too, though.

Enjoy the pictures!

1 comment:

Grandma Nyhlen said...

Sounds like a great weekend. Zander has a birthday this summer, you know. What can his parents do about that?